Living Life and Life Lived

 Well, its been a while since I posted. So long I had to re-do my password. God knows what it was 8ish years ago. Many things have happened since I last posted as well. 

Will had a girlfriend, went to his senior prom. Sam moved out into her first apartment, got her first job as a stylist and met a guy she would eventually marry. Ty also would fall in love and they would get married before flying overseas to be stationed. 

Will would graduate and then he would also leave for the military and his momma would lose herself for a few years after. Empty nesting would slap her up side the head until she spiraled. 

Will would break up with his high school GF and begin his first adult relationship the next year that would last 3 years. He would do 2 deployments and then get restationed a little closer to us but still states away. He would grow up a little more and have his first broken heart that had me flying to stay with him a few days, him needing his momma and momma wanting to be needed. 

Sam would marry and we would welcome Everett into our family officially. Three years later they would bless all of us with our first grandchild. A little girl named Sloane that would help mend my heart and bring so much love and laughter to us all. 

We all would live through a pandemic and new presidents and the same old political BS we've gotten so many times before. I tune it out these days. Easier on my sanity. 

Tim has a love hate relationship with his job now. All the responsibility with no authority. He makes good money but it's not always about the money now is it....

The newest news is that Ty and Sara are pregnant. A little girl as well that we will welcome and love to the fullest. They will be making a choice to stay overseas or come stateside again in the next few months. They both are ready to come back and believe it or not, they want to move back to where William is stationed. That would be amazing. 

Mom and dad are still trucking right along with a few speed bumps along the way. Mom with eye issues and dad with a cancer diagnosis. Both better and on the mend and sassier than ever. 

This past weekend I thought about Sloane being two now and if and when Sam, Will and Ty have more kids that I would love looking back at the memories made. Sloane is only 2 but I try and see her every other weekend if I can. Tim comes when he can and we try and get her for the weekend when Sam lets us. 

She's a good momma. Better than I ever was. She is so present and involved. I was involved but I wasn't so present. Life wasn't good for me when she was little and looking back, she also suffered from it. 

So, I'll spend my time on this blog taking about memories already made, memories in the making and my current adventure in writing. After William left I spent a number of years teaching myself and reading everything on writing, me not knowing the first thing about how to do it. What a monster it is to learn but I still find it so fascinating. And I just thought of a new name:

Lollipop Life and Fantasy Writing

It may change but for now, I like it. 


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