Bakers Weekend

Well, finally back at work this Monday and coming off an awesome weekend of cold weather, snuggle time and of coarse, baking! Well, I also have to give Tim a big hand. He did his first ever turkey over the weekend and it turned out amazing! Mom sent him a first timer YouTube video on what all to do and he did it!

Me on the other hand got up at 6 Sunday morning and just had the baking bug. Spent almost all day in the kitchen while Tim was watching the Philly game on TV. The only bad thing about the weekend was Will getting sick. He's still home but I think, maybe, he'll get to go back to school tomorrow. fever and head cold. Not cool and so not fun. It took us quite a while to find a cocktail that matched all of his symptoms but we did thank goodness.

We did get out and about Saturday. The weather guys thought we would be iced in but with Tim's 4x4 truck and him being from Colorado, easy as pie and no real weather problems. Baylor and Texas played this weekend and while we were out and before the game, we stopped at Academy and Walmart. Ran into SO many fans from both teams buying anything from ear muffs to socks to hand warmers. No hand warmers though. All sold out and BEFORE the rush even hit, whoops.

In other news I've been wanting to do one more little bakers recipe I found on pinterest. Oreo rice crispy treats. To add to the chocolate chip cookies, fudge, sugar cookies, Oreo balls and not to mention the store bought goodies I've bought to fill up the Christmas containers that are all around the house, lol! I swear, either me or the cigs are going to win. This food craving of mine since quitting smoking is just about to do me in! Oiy! And to top it off my treadmill DIED!!!!!!!

Whats a girl to do now??? Hmmm ;)


Jenny said…
Girl you turn your back on those containers of baked baddies and walk down the street! And up, and down, and up and down ... xoxo Merry Christmas!
Crystal said…
Lol! That's what I've been doing Jenny!
Sally said…
Well, I would just like to take a moment here and THANK YOU for not posting that dadblame photo of all the goodies. They all looked SO good, and since you put that on there I am craving sweets which I do not THANK YOU for.

Love you much. Carry on.
Donna said…
I could probably do with a chocolate pie...just saying...

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