I'm glad you made it ;}

What do you say to some one that makes it to be a year older. Everyone likes to say Happy Birthday. I would like to say I'm glad you made it. Life, it is such a precious gift. Most never are proud to get older, seeing just the wrinkles and time stamped onto the outside package that makes up their person. What about looking at it like this..looking at what the heart, mind and soul has learned thru each passing birthday. I would hope that when we have these special days that by the time that day has arrived that it is just as it sounds. A Birth day. That over the previous year leading up to it we have learned from experiences, we have discovered things not yet known to us and when the day arrives, we are, in a manner of speaking, born again year after year.

Tim is 42 today. I think its a privilege to even make it to that young age. If you look at it as I do, he still has 60+ more years of life. And, all of them stuck with me. If or when he reads this he may be developing a minor headache realizing that little fact but there it is all the same. I have gotten to spend three birthdays with him so far. I've witnessed an amazing change and extreme growth in his faith, his ability to love and the hardest part of accepting that in order to move up in all things, that letting go of the worst life thru at him he could find the person he was meant to be and as the years pass, add to the greatness of his soul.

This isn't a post that is about how much I love Tim. Nor is it about so many other things. I wasn't there when he was born nor did I share in the hardness and sometimes happy moments with parents, siblings and friends. I wasn't party to many broken hearted ex girlfriends or the memories of loves at the time, lost. The difficulties of being brought up with a different hand or the internal trials and thoughts of grabbing and holding onto personal goals. Witnessing many achievements and working thru failures. The birth of a son and his own internal difficulties, achievements and bond made with him.

This is a post that talks about my time with him. About walls that were thought unbreakable finally coming down. Trust being given. The baby steps taken to finally find rightness. The shared moments of smiles and laughter, silent thoughts finally spoken aloud. It's about a man who has finally begun the journey he was looking for and found. The journey is far from over though. In the years to come he will grow and learn more. Many a birthday will be spent reflecting on the past but not bringing it into the future. How life will continue to get better but only if he lets go, trusts and believes. This is a post about the day before we met when everything for the both of us was in a sense, still uncertain. The day before though...The day we met was the promise of love, trust and brighter days.

Happy Birthday Tim. We may still not be able to find that second lost checkbook with the millions in it but we do have the more precious things that God has given us...Us. Lets do everything we know to do to hold on to that and if we can't figure it out? Never stop trying to.....


Donna said…
I guess he ate all that Maple bun you bought him???
Dawn said…
I am glad (in a good way) that he knocked on your door that night looking for Pepe !!!!! I only knew him for a long time by T !! You too were meant to be together !! :) *HUGS*

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