A happy "early" Birthday wish

Well, I guess the best time to write your thoughts down is when you can't do much else. After having the surgery last Thursday other than walk around staring at everyone, I can write for short periods of time. Then I start to go down hill and get back up and do some more walking. When I sit or lay down I start to feel really sore. Like I just had the workout of my life and it's the second day after when everything is HURTING extremely bad. Plus, I get bored way too easily. Frustrated too. I timed myself getting ready this morning. What normally takes me anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour took me two and a half hours today. I didn't like that one little bit...
On another note, there's a birthday happening tomorrow. William, my son, will be turning 11. Time flies. Yesterday he was turning one, slobbering and smiling. Now 11 and even though no more slobber, smiling still. I hope he still keeps that smile 11 year's from now. William got his name for a reason and hopefully one day that reason will show in who and what he becomes in this lifetime. Not making others proud as much as himself.
Love freely William. Risk the chance to experience life and then live it to the fullest. Keep your bridges built strong. You never know how many times one will be crossed. Grow strong in mind as well as spirit Will. Protect the one's you are loyal to and love. Show compassion even when none is shown to you. And whatever else you do or remember William, always remember to smile.
These are my wishes for you~
Take care of yourself, girl. Don't rush things. ((hugs))