Moto Weekend

It's hard getting back into the swing of things when you have a long weekend. I'm still thinking it's Wednesday. But, on a better note we had a fun and relaxing weekend. Went up near Houston to this amazing track so Tim could ride. He did very well too, coming in 2ND in his class.
I also got a chance to meet 4 people that Tim and Ty met a while ago on a cruise. Tim took Ty on a senior trip/Father-son type thing when Ty graduated high school and they met 3-4 different couples. GREAT people! I love meeting new people and so does Tim. We both have lots of social friends and it's fun adding new one's. It really does give you a chance to travel and experience new and fun things.
We went to yummy restaurants, stayed in a hotel, camped out in the trailer and laughed, laughed, laughed. Isn't that what it's mostly all about? Loving and laughing? No one can ever say that I'm too stiff in my ways of thinking and living. Just today I met Tim and Ty for lunch and we spent the whole time cutting up and me nearing choking on food. Of coarse, the guys are looking at me while stating that I'm not all there and I threw back at them that wouldn't they rather have a wifey and step-witch (that's what I call myself for Ty's amusement;) that makes them laugh or smile rather than be a crazy screaming mad woman??? And of coarse, that's where I automatically look Tim's way, hold up a hand while saying, " YES, I know you wouldn't put up with it!!!" And we all bust out laughing knowing it was true. And then as we walk to the truck Ty does this his act where he screams and yells what he is trying to say as I'm trying to get in my car and then when driving away he's got his head hanging out of the truck window waving and yelling bye.
As for our weekend, even my son William had a good time. He's not too into the whole motocross thing so he stays in the trailer watching TV and playing games while snuggling with Pepe. Only coming out if there is food around or one of us to harass. He did come out wanting to watch one of Tim's races. Sam didn't come with us. She had a football game Friday and spent the night afterwards with my mom and then stayed with her dad and her step mom the rest of the weekend.
So, point to today's post? Even when life is rough, and it will be sometimes, don't forget to take a minute to appreciate that things could be a lot worse. It's not always going to be easy getting along with others and at times life won't seem very fair but the more we can look at life in a positive way will always be the beginning of something better than what it was.