Which bounces..fat or muscle??

Just wondering because we're taking a little road trip to New Mexico and Colorado in exactly 12 weeks and if muscle bounces more than fat I NEED TO HIT THE GYM ASAP!!! Lol! And I can't wait for this road trip! Yes, the snow skiing will be a blast, I am currently the champ bunny run skier of the family. No one can catch me. But, I'm looking forward to all the kids getting to go, Pepe the human dog will be co-driving with Tim all the way there and back, LOTS of pictures whether the gang likes it or not, is even awake or not, lol and I, even though it will be a bitter sweet time, get to finally meet Tim's dad. He passed away a few years ago and Tim misses him terribly. And to me, whether it's just a place we go back to, ones who have moved on from this life to the next, still come back when they are needed most.
So, about the title of this post. I gotta get back to the gym. For the past TWO months I have thought about it, mentioned it, dreamed it and procrastinated about it. And today I also quit all that and WENT. I even woke up before the alarm went off at 4:30. Jumped right up and walked at 4mph for 50 minutes. YAY! I was grinning like a fool when I hit the door to go back home. Remembering how good I normally feel after a workout really helped and I do believe I will be returning this evening to work out some more. Once I have something stuck in my head I get a little anal until goals are met or what not, is done. Cardio is good in any form and my pick of poisons is walking on the treadmill. We have TV's and radio's but I like walking and reading. I have a great book I'm reading and in no time my cardio is done. I think 12 weeks is just the right amount of time to get at least a little tone back and if the rump isn't toned enough I guess I can always duct tape a pillow to my arse and cuss all the way down the mountain while trying not to fall, lol!!!
On another note, had a fun filled weekend. Friday evening was spent buying gear for the trip while running by Chic-Fil-A. Why? That's what the kids wanted to eat. Normally, give me anything but fast food. I love a good sit down meal with normal ambiance, not 50 million kids sticking french fries up their noses while running around yelling. That didn't happen but it has and I had 2 of my own lil gremlins to deal with as well and it didn't end well for me. Lol, it never does!
Saturday was spent out near the lake for me and Will with a friend and her kids, an out of town football game for Sam, playing with horses and talking with lots of people for Tim at a local horse farm and off to hang out with his twin sister's at his mom's for Ty. Pepe got to sleep, eat and hang out at the house while we were all out, lol! That's what I call the good life;) Sunday was another fun filled day of races, relaxation, FOOD and wrestling with Tim and WINNING. That is, me winning;) Oh, he would call BS on that right quick but he really has nothing on my superior speed, skill and timing. Oh, can't forget strength as well. I don't like to brag but sheesh. After not going to the gym for a long while I thought at least he would win one of the matches....Ah well, can't blame him for trying;)
Have I bragged on my family lately? No? Spend too much time whining about what we're all not doing instead of what we are? I need to work on that. Sounds of Laughter needs an adjustment and I think it was made last week. Having to parent through those FUN teenage years is an adventure all in it's own right, wouldn't you agree? Me too. LOT'S of who done it's, high speed chases, literal or figurative speaking, comedy, either at our own expense or theirs, drama, and anyone with female teens would REALLY agree with the drama that goes on, adventure or animation, whether it be in speaking or in body language. See, I think I covered every genre that I can think of, lol! It's like going to the movies, BEING in the movies and forgetting the dang milk duds and popcorn!
Anyway, Sam went through a minor "thing" last week. I say minor because it could have always been worse and I say thing for her privacy. But, she did have to face up to her mistakes and as punishment got quite a few important (to her) things taken away. Social Networking and her cell. OHTHEENDOFTHEWORLDHASCOMEHELLJUSTFROZEOVERWHYAMIHEREHOWCOULDTHISHAPPENTOME!!!! kind of thing. Ever been in that situation? Yeah, me too, lol! We ended up inviting her dad and step mom over for a pow-wow that I think went very well. You know how you start talking with someone about one thing and then just say to hell with it and get everything out in the open? Yep, poor Sam didn't stand a chance. And since that day things have gotten progressively better. If you're not so much involved with the outside world you are more apt to pay more attention to your own and the people you live with. Hell, the way I see it, it'll be when hell freezes back over when she gets all that stuff back, lol! That or until she gets a good paying job and gets her own phone while living on her own and doing it the right way. By then, hopefully, she should not do dumb teen things like this later on in life. If so and I don't care if she's 40, she'll be sitting on my couch wondering which direction the butt chewing will be coming from. Jus sayin;)
So, bragging. About kids....
Ty. He's my step son. He's almost 19. Good kid with lots of smarts. Wise cracker, likes to torment Sam and harass Will about making loud, stinky noises all the time. Gives Tim hell and always takes Pepe's collar off without us knowing and we let him outside and can't find him. BUT, he's very loving. Can be very emotional and caring. He does for others even when he's not forced, bribed or begged to, lol! And he gives sweet hugs.
William, MAN he's a stinker! Asks millions of questions, sticks to you like glue, never wants to take a bath or shower and loves to continuously eat. BUT, it doesn't take much to get on to him where he will do what he's suppose to. Very rarely has he ever done anything out of anger in a negative way, he loves outwardly, he always tells you good night and he gives the best fish kisses an 11 year old boy could.
Samantha, She's a spitfire, a drama queen, an over reactive teen with attitude and she just can't stand it when we pick on her. She thinks boys are the most important and that cell phones should be carried and used 24/7. BUT, when she's not distracted with friends, facebook, cell phones and boys she is a good, sweet and a fun teenager to be around. Her fashion sense is amazing and she could come up with 100 different ways to make a potato sack look good. On anyone. She's emotional but in a way you want to just hug her up tight or tickle the hell out of her. And, she's the best little scrambled egg and fried bacon maker ever.
Tim...Boy, don't get me started...this post will go on FOREVER;) Let's just say this and we'll stop for now. He's the best friend, husband, person. To me and for me. He keeps me grounded and from getting too wrapped up with everyone else. He takes care of me when I don't take care of myself. He remembers me, when I forget. He's the man that gets caught eating cherry cobbler, ice cream and chocolate syrup when I'm outside, not knowing. He's the one that snuggles with a little dog that should have been one of his human children and he's the one just to smile or laugh when he he KNOWS his wifey is full of it;) He's mine and he's my "hubin." ;)
Good week to u all!!!
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the summer. Your vacation sounds wonderful !! I am heading back to the gym !! Calling NOW !! I needed that push from you !! THANKS !!
Love you anyway...