Ramblings of a wacked out woman

Ever have one of those days. Days where u pay attention to everything, every detail of your day? Well, since this morning my mind and eyes have been working overtime. I witnessed a wreck this morning on a major highway going to work. It was still dark out and all anyone could really see were headlights and tail lights unless right up on the next driver. Seeing the wreck happen right in front of me was like just in the movies too. U see the truck in the oncoming traffic get hit, start spinning towards u, cross the ditch and then start flipping in the air, only to land right in front of you and another vehicle. As I slam on my brakes I'm already grabbing for the cell to call 911. I no sooner than stop and open the car door and the guy that shouldn't have made it through that accident squeezes his way out of the window and jumps up walking in circles grabbing at his head yelling words that I won't repeat. Needless to say, I saw the truck and I saw the size and height of the guy. His neck and legs should have been crushed but all he came away with was a sore neck and a couple of scratches to his arm. As other's have said, angels were working overtime today.
So, I get to work and quickly send a text to Tim telling him that I love him. We, on a normal day, will send sweet messages to one another but after this morning it becomes all to real what one should be paying attention to and appreciating and one of the main people I care most about is my husband. After that I get to work and do the job, occasionally replaying the real life movie clip I witnessed. I won't even get into the creepy guy that leans over the counter to stare as I has some huge zit on the end of my nose. I break for lunch and as I am pulling out of the parking lot I pass a vet clinic that is a couple of businesses down. I notice a huge woman. When I say huge I mean she could have been as tall as Bigfoot and built like a rock. I wouldn't mess with her. Maybe go for the knees and run like hell but other than that, I'm good. She's walking around her car when I also see a leash. Couldn't miss her holding the bright red thing and it looked like that was all that she was holding. Like there was nothing at the end of the leash. Lol, until getting closer and seeing a very miniature Chihuahua that was the same exact color as the car they were walking beside. Laughing to myself as I drove by, I thought that even though we give hell to the big, strong tough guy carrying the cute lil small pup instead of some Cujo, man eating mutt, I can put women in the same category now.
I get maybe two blocks down at this point from my work when I pass something that I never thought I'd see. I liquor store garage sale. Never saw one before and probably won't for another 37 years. Lol! I really busted out laughing as people walked through the parking lot looking at everything laid out on the tables. From glasses to booze. Man, call me a drunk and paint my butt pink but I think we go a little too far in today's society. I get people wanting to get rid of the belongings they don't either need, want or use but to do this with alcohol and every accessory that goes along with drinking? Please....Moving on.
I finally get to the sandwich shop to get mine and Tim's lunch. He's stuck in the office filling in and with no way to leave. Can't really shut the place down when people are always needing things from your store. I place my order and then drive around. The guy at the window opens it up and already has this preoccupied look on his face when he starts reading out my order. I tell him he is correct and give him my money, he takes it and shuts the window. He comes back a minute later with the wrong order. (Side note) I rarely ever get mad at things like this. I've screwed up more times than I can count and for so many different reasons. Patience with this, I have. I tell him the order is not correct, tell him what is wrong and he looks at me with this "what are you even talking about lady, did you just say something to me?" Look. I just smile, repeat myself and smile again. He quickly closes the window and comes back 5 minutes later with the correct order. I drive off telling him I hope his day gets better and get the deer in the headlights look back. Mkay;)
I get to Tim's work. Ty is there, out running errands I guess. Tim is nose deep in laptops, work catalogs, phone calls and paperwork. I could tell right from walking in that he was busier than Hades so I set everything out. Talked to Ty for a couple of minutes and ate my sandwich. All the while watching Tim hard at work. I finish, get a quick kiss and was off to go back to work. And let's just say that the Werner Enterprise truck that was beside me needed to pull off the interstate and sleep for like a day and not be out driving around like he's doing the Waltz on the road. Dang thing came into my lane more than once as I was trying to get around and away from him. Crazy drivers always thinking they are in a hurry or they can drive just a little bit longer.
I am finally on the home stretch. Just right around the corner from my work when I come up to what just made my day. There was a guy on a bike. Riding in the same lane I was in. Right in front of me. Bike was way to big while he was way too short. Every time one leg pedaled down, the other leg AND hip would come up. So he could reach the other pedal. Needless to say if I wasn't paying attention and tried to pass said bicycle boy, that he would now be laying in the hospital with a broken leg and hip. His legs were just that short that when one would come up his whole leg would shoot out sideways. (Say Ur on a bike. Raise Ur hands straight out to the side of u. That's how his legs would look.) As I finally pass in the next lane beside him I glance and wouldn't you know he looked just like I normally do while trying to concentrate. Eyebrows down and tongue sticking out to the side. LOL!
I'm exhausted now. And I only thought I was tired when I got up this morning not wanting to go to the gym at 4:30. I made myself go though. It's too soon to even contemplate wimping out this early. Yesterday I hit the gym twice. An hour each session. Then walk to the school with William for the homecoming parade, pep rally and fireworks. Then, Will and I walk back. A healthy person is suppose to walk, if they can, 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy. Me? I walked over 20,000. My hips hurt AND squeak and my thighs are sore. Is this a sign of old age or me just over doing it, lol! At waking up this morning I REALLY wanted to give myself a pass on going to the gym. I think about it and realise that if I had longer than an hour to sleep I would have done it but seeing as how I only had a good 50 minutes? Nah, it would take me at least 20 minutes to get back to sleep and then another 30 minutes after the alarm went off to calm down from cussing the alarm from going off when I JUST got back to sleep.
Yep, some days you pay attention, don't rush, no judging others and pick your battles as they come. Living life 101. I'll go back to the gym and get my other hour in. Then, I'll go home and catch up on some much needed relaxation;) Sounds like a plan to me. Have a great day everyone.
Oh and PS: My mom is somewhere in Connecticut laying on the floor trying to send out text messages, emails and not getting any cell/internet service what so ever, lol! She's ready to come home so I bet she appreciates her crazy arse family right at this very moment;) LOVE YOU MOM!!!
Take care; I hope Mammy makes it home safely and you guys have a wonderful weekend. Love ya much!
I love you babydoll...thanks for filling in for me...:o)
Good for you going to the gym! I'm fighting the battle with you and I know it aint easy. We can do this!!!