Let's play, what if...

It's a question that people have asked over and over again and in so many different languages. What if. Some people say that it's bad to ask the question but just for today lets try it and see what we end up with. I'm willing to take a chance and see...

What if that new car in the driveway that u thought u were getting for Christmas and REALLY wanted it was replaced with one more day to live, wrapped in ribbon.

What if all those new designer clothes you've been reminding everyone for months now to get you to put under the tree was replaced with a loved one not passing away, twined in lace.

What if the new electronic device you were hoping to get and totally excited about to tear into Christmas morning was replaced with your spouse loving you the way you need to one more year, wrapped with lace.

What if all you ever wanted was that piece of jewelry you've been coveting for so long was replaced with your children staying healthy and happy, binded with beads.

What if the extra cash you always get in a card stuck on the tree was replaced with another chance to love again, weaved with mistletoe.

What if that new big screen TV you've been dying to get was replaced with a loved one not getting in an accident, dying of cancer, leaving you, whatever, braided with Holley.

And what if all those material things that we so lust for were replaced with something that really mattered, given to us by God.

Material things are really nice to have. With what all is out there these days it's SO hard not to envy others who have everything that I do not. But, there are lots of times when I sit here at this computer while at work or in my car on the way home, outside thinking or even talking with others that I appreciate having my job to support my family for one more day. Kids that drive you fecking nuts but are still alive and healthy, a spouse that stays loyal and makes me feel loved, parents that love us all and a few friends that I can rely on....for one more day, wrapped all in love.

What if the most important things in your life weren't there anymore or taken from you. Would all the material things in the world replace them? Some would say yes, some no...Most forget that even though Jesus was born on Christmas he was given to us as a gift from GOD that day and I thank them both for everything they have given me in my life. This Christmas yes, there may be a thing or two I wanted wrapped so pretty and I'll love everything that is given but most of all I want lots of laughter and love. Pictures taken to reflect on in the future, food to fill my belly and appreciation of it all blowing in the wind....


Donna said…
Oh, This was beautiful...and SO true...Merry Christmas Babydoll...
Sally said…
Such a wonderful post, Crystal. You know what my answers would be, for sure. I wish you LOTS OF LAUGHTER AND LOVE!!!! (((hugs)))
Anonymous said…
Ok, thanks for making me cry this morning!!!! Great post!
~Shelly~ said…
I would gladly replace all those materialistic items for those priceless things! If only...

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