Stud Status

Yep, that's the topic of choice for today. As mother nature's visit is wrapping things up and heading out until next month my mind was given a breather today at lunch to talk about other subjects than the dreaded "that time of the month." My daughter got herself into a little "pickle" today by writing stuff down that had me headed home to check things out and let's just say, wasn't what was really reality, and leave it at that. I know, mysterious isn't it? Lol! Anyway, I go home for lunch today and stop by our local Subway to pick up a sandwich. I walk in the back entrance as the front parking lot is full. As I am walking in I notice a man about my age standing there with hands in his pockets and waiting to be serviced.
Now, lets take a moment so I can explain something. I am not the kind of person that thinks she's some beauty queen, hot stuff or thinks she can have any man of her picking. I do think I have pretty qualities about me but have never thought anything over that. If you find something appealing about me well thank you for the compliment. Now, moving on...
As I walk up the hall the guy standing there doesn't see me but I see him. I notice body language first and foremost with anyone I come into contact with. Even the lil pup Pepe at home, lol! As soon as I get halfway up the hallway he notices me and the hands quickly come out of the shorts pockets that he calmly had them in just moments before and he starts fidgeting as I get closer. And it's not the kind of fidgeting that happens as a result of being nervous or on edge. It's the kind of body language that says, "Hey there momma. How you doin..." And I actually turn around and think I will see this beautiful long legged sexy as hell woman behind me. I don't so I just reach into the ol trusty purse and pull out my most trusty phone acting like I am dialing a phone number.
As I come up to the counter I get behind Studly the Player and look up from my phone to see him staring at me with a grin. I notice at the same time he has his arms crossed against his chest and he just puts off that vibe like he's ALLL THAT. Whatever dude, get your sandwich and move on. So what do I do? Well, I act like I made a connection to the phone I've been playing with and all of a sudden and when he keeps turning to me like he's fixing to say something I not so quietly say into the phone, "Baby! How come you haven't answered?! Oh that's alright I just stopped to pick something up to eat before my doctor's appointment. NO, they already said there was no sense in you being tested for all those STD's since we haven't slept together yet but I told the doc he needed to hurry up and treat me cause I didn't know how much longer I could WAIT!!!!" Heh heh heh........
Needless to say Studly's body language DRAMATICALLY changed. The hands went back into the pockets, his back turned from me and went rigid, he got his sandwich and got the heck out of Subway quicker than Michael Jordan could slam dunk a basketball. Lol!!!! It was funny but in reality pissed me the hell off. Why? I really don't care if people stare at me. For whatever reason. They could think I was good looking or wonder why the heck I have a big bugger on my face or something, I don't know. It's nice to get compliments but only if they are tactful. But, the only time it gets my blood pumping, knees weak and the feeling that I'm fixing to literally "swoon" is if those looks or compliments are coming from MY husband and not SOMEONE ELSE'S.........
Yep, Studly the player was so intent in making an impression he didn't notice me looking at his wedding ring. The only guy that gets my proverbial goat is my husband and that's it. Yes, there are good looking people in this world. As my daughter would say, "duh.." But, whatever they look like, money or things they have, profession they are in, it doesn't matter. MY husband is the sexiest most richest, trustworthy, friendly, hot alpha male there is and no one will ever prove ME wrong on that. Ever. Period. So when I see someone that is good looking yes, I notice. I also notice the young lady sitting 3 tables down doing computer work, the 2 workers hard at work behind the counter and the older gentleman walking in the front door wanting a sandwich as well. BESIDES, the guy in front of us all that should be horse whipped for even thinking that he should even try to get someone else's attention other than his wife at home or where ever she is today or any other day. If you want to flirt with other people or try to get their attention or more get a freaking divorce, a roll of ones, wait till quittin time and then go to your local "mans club" and prop your studly self in front of one of those girls who needs the money by showing what they have so they can probably feed their kids, pay rent or put themselves through college.
And I know it happens all the time, every second of the day and it just ticks me off every damn time. Besides the well being of my husband, parents and our kids it's the only other thing that makes me a crazed bonafied lunatic. Bipolar be damned. It's disrespectful on so many levels and to so many people. Plus it makes that guy look dumb. Period. Or, maybe it's just me and I'm just anal about stuff like that but come on. He's married. Give that look and those things you call moves to your wife and spice things up a bit. Lord knows I love the hell out of it when my guy does it to me and look forward to the next time we see each other to see if he tries to flirt or what ways he'll try to make me smile because to me, the whole love and marriage thing? It's soo freakin doable. Really. One man, one woman, a whole lot of imagination and there ya go...TWO HAPPILY MARRIED IN LOVE PEOPLE!!!! The kids, money, jobs and all that other stuff just falls into where it should but dang it all to Hades it'll work! Lol!!!
All I can say is thank the Lord above for blogs. My Hubin GREATLY appreciates this just for the simple fact that he won't have to listen to my crazed rantings after he puts in a hard day at work and then comes home to relax a bit. And hopefully he'll take into consideration that I'm thinking of him in this very compassionate way and come flirt with me, lol! Oh, and the picture above is for my mom...Fabio. It's always been somewhat of a running joke with me and my mom. I can't stand the guy. The "I can't believe it not butta" romantic book cover model just, well, I just don't care for him and mom thinks he's the prettiest thing since diamonds. Oh, she still thinks my dad is her dream guy but long ago she made a cute comment about Fabio that got under my skin and so from then on has made a big to do over him for my benefit. Lol, hope you like the pic mom!!!!