I got nothing for a title but plenty down below

As soon as he got to my work he was still somewhat sluggish but as the guys filed in his demeanor perked up. As soon as I allowed him to eat the soup he started feeling bad again so I sent him in the other office and he fell fast asleep. No fever or anything else. Just a headache and queasy stomach. At lunch I dropped him back off at the house so he could finish his nap while his sister Sam cleaned. Yes, Sam's cleaning today. What a concept.
Every time Will gets into the car with me now he puts on the music I posted about yesterday, looking at me and just smiling. He likes the music and is listening now to it more for himself than for me. He knows I'm feeling better about things so he's taking advantage of the radio while he can. He likes jazz music. While listening to the CD I made him listen to other songs on it. It was turning into a repetitious world with Will playing the song over and over and both the world and it's bright blessed days and dark sacred nights were starting to rake my nerves. Notice I didn't say patience. I'm beginning to get that back so as I changed songs I sweetly smile while saying that we should try listening to something new to see if he would like it as well. Sneaky and yet still sweet. Everyone wins and catastrophe diverted. What a Wonderful World indeed...
An update on mother dear. She's been almost perfect this whole week. I say almost in the nicest sense of the word. She slips every once in a while and starts "clicking her heels" but other than that it's been pleasant. Only coming into my domain just to chat and then she's elegantly on her way to other things. Thank you mom;)
Sam is wrapping up her week long spirit leading camp at school. I registered them both for school and got that out of the way. Next up will be school supply and clothes shopping. Oh what fun we will have. I say that very sweetly and yet...not. I loath to shop. But, it must be done so why whine about it. This will all transpire (oh big word there...transpire. It just popped in my head so I'm going with it) in the weeks to come. What we will get is still not yet decided. Supplies are already on a list so that's easy enough to tend to and the kids will make do with what is in their closets and we'll just add a few new pieces to blend them all together for a while longer. And I think that'll do for now poppet, that'll do.
I swear, people say things that get stuck in my head and I can't get them out until I say it, write it or use the word in some way...It's so grand to be me....
Hubby is training again. He has been meeting with a young boy, his brothers and their dad on how to get better at riding dirt bikes. As he does this I normally sit out there and watch. He's trained him once this week out at our local track and I got up off my lazy rump and got on the flat track we have beside it and walked. Out in the blazing heat. Sweating. Profusely. Another big word. Again I will venture forth and conquer it today. Again sweating. Out in the blazing heat. Oh my aching ass...I taught that last one to mom. Ask her how often she uses it now.
See you all on the morrow! Lol!
That's for not letting me have my Way!! EVERYBODY wants to be ME!!!
(holding back of hand to forehead!)
So sorry sweet Will isn't feeling well. He sure looks comfy in the photo, though.
Well, I haven't been school supply shopping in l00 years, but went today for Hunter. My Holy Taco! Not the money, but looking for the stuff for a couple of hours at two different stores. And, I still didn't get two items. Well, that's the way it goes.
Take care out in that heat, Crystal. It's 114 heat index here today.