And another year begins..

So, another school year begins for the kids. Sam's moving into her sophomore year and William, his 5Th grade year. We all say time flies but man, these last few years seem like some kind of dream. One minute the kids and I are on top of one of the highest mountains in Oklahoma trying to memorize the moment and then here I am realizing in just a few blinks Sam will be gone to live her own life.
I've been so wrapped up in raising her that I never really faced that she would and will leave me. This past summer with her going off to live with her dad kind of opened my eyes to it. Not having her there was tough. Walking down the hall, I couldn't bring myself to go in her room but twice while she was gone. Of coarse she had left to go see what life was like over there, we were having our own issues with getting along.
Sam has been so many things in my life. She's been my daughter, friend, confidant, support, and miracle. William came in and was nothing but wet kisses and all smiles. With a loud and clear laugh he'll melt your heart and with some of the noises coming from him , will make u run screaming, lol! I have to say that with the role of parent I have experienced every emotion imaginable and then some.
These years have flown by and now I'm sitting here thinking about one role as parent ending soon and another role as parent beginning. I think it's fair to say that as our kids go off on their own and whether they come back 50 times or stay gone, that that first initial role as parent is something special. We get to take care of them and watch (if we're lucky) them grow every minute of their lives until they decide they want to run like Hades and start their own lives without us. Granted, I still have William at home for a few more years after Sam but it's something about that first born leaving. Kind of like when Will decides to leave it'll be that "my baby" leaving kind of feeling.
And there again, if they come back to stay for a bit, visit or just to pop in, I have a feeling it'll feel different. There won't be a set routine of getting home as fast as I can only to run in the kitchen to make something for them to eat right when they walk in because as SOON as the door opens it's nothing but " I'm hungry!!" No, questions of homework done yet, room clean or got your bath? It'll be questions like how have you been, what have you been up to lately, what's going on in your world..And just thinking about it all gets me emotional. We all have things we look forward to for the future. Like all parents, it's a bitter sweet kinda thing.
So for now, I'll put those thoughts and mixed feelings of the future without them with me like they are now and try and make as many happy, fun filled and special memories as possible. Because in the blink of an eye, time flies~
Enjoy all the time you have with them.... but, don't be surprised if they come back with only the clothes on their back. I did !! My parents were there for me on more fingers and toes. I am now able to help my Mom now.
HEY!!! Wait a minute!! My lawn needs mowing!! You'll be here at What time??? ;0)