Just a Reminder

This post today isn't solely for whomever is reading this. It's a reminder to me as well. I'm alive today, not dead. I'm healthy today, not sickly or dying. I have minor monthly debts like we all do. But, today I am not broke, living in the streets. I have a job today and not unemployed. My kids are healthy and taken care of today and not sick or dying or in an orphanage or on the streets. Tim's son is healthy and taken care of today and not in a hospital due to a mx or truck accident or dead or living on the streets. My husband is healthy today too and not dead or in the hospital from mx or car or truck accident. He has a job today and isn't unemployed. My parents, my friends...all healthy and alive.

To me, just rereading this post it seems like I have a pretty damn good life. But, I bet if I asked a friend of a friend right now she wouldn't be thinking of anything but what she has been going through for the last 5 days. Her boyfriend was killed in a drunk driving accident Thursday. Her world, from a friend's comments, is upside down and she wishes she would have died with him.

These bad things happen everyday. Every. Single. Day. People murdered, children abused, someone raped and left for dead, someone loses everything and is homeless, someone dives into alcohol to deal or drugs to run away from things. Someone just learns or dies from cancer or something else. A soldier goes off to war and doesn't come home. A child goes to school and is kidnapped. Someone gets a divorce or parents fight with their kids and the kid leaves on his own or even runs away. The list goes on and on and on.

My point...Appreciate what and who is in your life now. Tomorrow they may not be. Kids will be kids all day everyday until they grow up and even then, we as adults are guilty of acting childish. Ur family will say something to piss you off, don't cut them out of your life to prove a point. Women talk too much and speak of feelings and moods will swing crazy like. Don't try to figure us out, it's impossible. Men will be less emotional and not know what to do or say. Don't judge, they may surprise you when you least expect it. Take the minor everyday worries and lighten up. If not, they will turn major. If you don't know how to deal with someone or something and find yourself going in circles, try some thing different and stick with it. If after awhile it doesn't work, point is is to keep trying. And when all else fails? Go talk to the man sitting next to you that his world really did come crashing down.

And lastly? Always remember to take time to stop and appreciate something about u and your own life. Don't wait until your standing in front of God himself cause I have a sneaky suspicion he'll be like dear Ole mom...foot tapping, hands crossed, eyebrow up saying, "really?"

Hope everyone has an awesome day ;)


Donna said…
Bless her heart...I'll be praying for her...
jenn said…
I have been thinking about this post all day...and it's weird. I agree with everything you said except for the part about family. Sometimes, as in our situation, it's better to let things go and not work things out. Just because people are family, doesn't make them worthy of being part of your life.

The rest...you are right on. I have learned not to take a single second for granted, because there are people worse off than me.
Unknown said…
Well said C. AMEN Sister! L<3VE YOU!!!And Luv my (Broder) too!!
Dawn said…
Awesome post !! We are having family drama. I love both of my brothers... but they are entirely different.
Jenny said…
Too much tragedy revolves around the choices we make ... especially the one to drink and drive. God help those who are suffering these kinds of unthinkable losses today. And you're right, Crystal. Any day we're not hanging around at the hospital -- or, worse, the funeral home -- is a very good day.
Asher said…
Ma Cherie'? I'm done with Anita Blake. We've had to add yet several other men to our bed and I still not able to be loved like I want to be loved. I want to leave and take my werehyenia's with me to another city to start over.....Please give my regards to all our friends in the preternatural world.

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