A new day, a new beginning

Well, that's how I see things. See life. God granted me life for just a while here on Earth and even though he put my ass on the wrong side of the world, I'll make do with what I have. But, next time I see him we're having a discussion;o)

What is the first thing, besides "oh, I have to pee" that u think of when u wake? Me? What kind of day will this be..Most times it's not even a question. We never know if our good mood will spread to a good day or because of something bad happening in the early morning it sets are whole outlook for the rest of the day. To me, it's only in our heads on how our day will be. Take Friday. I was in the best mood. Things happened that brought me down and I allowed it to consume my whole day, evening and night. Why? Aren't I in control of how I want to live?

We get so wrapped up in words and actions of other's that we allow it to control our "selves", or own person. And we even, or most times, we realise that we are allowing others to do this. There's the old saying that we hurt the ones we love the most. I call bullshit on that one too. Who are we to verbally, mentally or physically hurt anyone? Even if you think they need it. Well, let me go beat the crap out of my neighbor because she yelled and spanked her grandchild. Now, take a step back. What have I just taught myself, the grand parent and the kid. That it's OK to hit someone to get what you want. That it's OK to damage more an already damaged relationship by doing means in a negative way to achieve a positive outcome. Huh, did I just even confuse myself? Well, it sounded good in my head...oh well, lol! Point is is that a positive outcome will never happen. Let's take the same example..I walk over there and ask the grandparent to please refrain from yelling so publicly. ( A. I just brought up that other's are noticing outside of her home. B. By bringing it up she may get humiliated enough to not do it again.) Will it solve the problem? Who knows but I didn't raise all sorts of hell that would have mad bad into worse...follow?

Question...When God put Jesus down here to walk with us and the ones that chose to walk with the Lord, did Jesus hear them and give back negativity to help them better themselves? Did Jesus slap the Hades out of the guy who was wrong doing or did he do it with love, patience and compassion. Just wondering. In all my 37 years have I never seen, heard or listened to anyone get better or better their lives with negative thinking or living.

People spend lots of time every Sunday morning in many homes of the lord. Why. Is it guilt for not going, making up for lost time or guidance. People need to remember that when they walk into any of the Lord's homes that u get unconditional love, respect, compassion and patience from him. And slap my butt and call me Henry I think ALL of those listed are POSITIVE things. Well, I once went to a church that scared the Hades out of me. Never went back either. Lots of weird stuff but that's a WHOLE nother story;)

My church Pastor believes strongly in quite time with the lord. I do it all the time. Like I stated before, me and ol God are tight. I bet he'd like to choke the living crud out of me for some of the hair brain, pig headed, dumb things that I've done and some that I keep on doing. Does he? Is he a mean God? My opinion, no. He's got patience and more love than any of us on earth. People don't leave this earth because he's in a pissy mood. They leave because they have learned their lessons and God needed them for a greater purpose. My opinion only. We all have them. Will one of u get angered because this is not what u believe? It happens. It's MY reaction that will seal the deal and the outcome. Now...How would I like to handle it? Negatively and cuss ur arse out for not agreeing? Or just smile and say to each their own and have a wonderful day. Smile, God loves you;) And move on....

Now, I ask once again, what's the first thing you think of in the morning....Me? From now on...It WILL be a good day. ;)

I'm learning like everyone else and by the time my thoughts have reached this blog I have some things figured out and some not. I drive people crazy because I talk too much and change my mind lots of times but guess what. I'm allowed to. Each and every one of us is guilty of doing it. It's just people like me that don't bring it up all the time that make up the difference.


Your strength was said at the end, I have it figured out better.We need to look over emotions before expressing sometimes to not hurt ourselves and others.Thanks for the nice comments.
Ann said…
I have a bad habit of flying off the handle. I'm working on it and the older I get it does get easier but thanks for the reminder.
Sally said…
Love this post, Crystal!

The first thing I think when I wake up? I'm ALIVE, and thank you God for another chance to make things right that I've done wrong.

Love ya, girl. Have a great day!!

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