Sharing idea's to curb Hunger, overeating..

1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion.
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its anti-oxidants make your skin look great.
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomache, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with.
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories.
6. Do aerobics until you want to faint.
7. Eat spicy foods. They raise your metabolism.
8. Take cold showers because your body will burn calories to heat you back up.
9. DON’T take laxatives. They don’t help you to lose weight.
10. DON’T use diruretics. They only dehydrate you.
11. Brush your teeth constantly so you won’t be tempted to eat afterwards.
12. Wear a rubberband around your wrist. Snap it when you want to eat.
13. Clean something gross (toilet, litter box, boyfriend’s closet) when you want to eat. You will not want to eat after cleaning a litter box.
14. Get a job so you’ll have to work through meal times.
15 Use smaller plates and utensils so it seems like you ate more.
16. Chew each bite of food thoroughly and then take a sip of water between bites. You will feel full quicker and will not eat as much.
17. Buy clothes that you can’t fit into and hang them wear you can see them. This will motivate you to lose weight to fit into them.
18. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%.
19. If you start to feel hungry do situps.
20. Pamper yourself! Give yourself a facial, paint your nails, anything to make you feel pretty.
21. Get out of your house!
22. Keep track of everything you eat. Look at it daily for insperation.
23. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight.
24. Make a list of all the “bad” foods that you crave and tend to binge on. Each day, pick one to take out of your diet that you absolutely, no matter what, cannot eat again. Take one off the list each day until there are no more bad foods you can have.
25. Avoid alcohol! A shot of liquor has 100-120 calories, a glass of wine has 80 calories, a lite beer has 110-120 calories, and a regular beer has 140-170 calories.
26. Never eat anything bigger than about a cup, your stomach will expand and then you’ll get hungry more.
27. Have 6 small meals a day.
28. Low calorie hot chocolate curbs chocolate cravings, and makes you feel full.
29. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize the stomach is full.
30. Eat lots of fiber. It makes you feel full and takes fat with it out of your body. The natural cleansing helps improve both your energy level and overall feeling of wellness.
31.Before you dig into that cake, bag of chips, candy, or whatever, take a deep breath and count to 100. Usually by the time you get to 100 you will have convinced yourself that you don’t really want it. 32. When you’re hungry chug 2 glasses (or how many you need) of straight water. It’ll make you so full
33. Celery actually burns calories. Every hour eat a stalk of it. Not only will it fill you up, but it will also get your metabolism kickin’.
34. Read the nutritional information. Remember, fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Also keep an eye on fiber content. Get as much fiber into your diet as you can, while cutting fat and calories.
35. Don’t eat a lot at once. Spread your food throughout the day. This will help to avoid binging and keep your metabolism going.
36. If you like to drink alcohol, you’ll like this. Make a rule: You can only drink every time you lose 2lbs. So, if you lose 4lbs a week, you can drink Friday and Saturday night. However, if you only lose 2lbs a week, you only get to drink one night.
37. Do not eat in front of the computer or TV. This distracts you from recognizing you’re full.
38. Stay away from Slim-fast and other so-called “healthy” candy bars and shakes… one look at the nutition facts will tell you why. With all the carbs and excess calories you may as well go eat a freakin pie or something. Not to mention the rediculous prices… save yourself the money, and the calories. 39.When having cravings drink a couple glasses of water with slices of lemons and count to 100 and it should go away.
40. Eating 100 cals 4 times a day is better than eating a 400 cal meal. 41. An occasional binge doesn’t hurt, in fact it’s quite beneficial if you have reached a plateau (stopped losing weight). Your body will think you have stopped starving yourself, and you will drop at least a pound overnight! Just don’t binge too regularly!
41. Someone told me that if you take a pure cold bath for 15-30 min and lower your body temp, your body burns around 200 cals for every degree it has to raise itself to reach a normal body temperature. This person tried it, a 30 min bath lowered their temp about 3-4 degrees.


Sally said…
AHA! Now, I know every single thing I'm doing wrong!

Thanks for all the tips, Crystal

Hope your weekend is great. HUGS!

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