Learning to talk

I think we all have trouble from time to time dealing with this issue. You would think as much as I love to write and ramble that I would have no problems at all. You would be wrong. And I think we have more of a problem in learning how to talk when it concerns ourselves. My opinion only. We all know what we're thinking but when trying to outwardly convey, it's hard. At least it is for me.

When others have issues or just need a leaning ear to vent to, I'm there if they need or want. I can take an outsiders point of view, so to speak, and maybe clarify, show in a different perspective or just listen when they aren't looking for neither advise nor comment. I don't know, maybe I just need to work harder on my poker face if all else fails.

When talking to certain people I get tongue tied, say one thing and mean another or just all around screw it up. It's flippin irritating and I wind up looking and sounding like a blubbering idiot. And then I get frustrated and just end up irritating or totally confusing the other party. That's why in yesterday's post I talked about dealing. On that rare occasion that I don't say "I'm fine" and end up trying to talk about what's on my mind, it doesn't work. I end up messing up what I want to say and all goes to hell in less than 5 minutes. And, in the end I feel like I should have tried harder on the ol poker face and just dealt with it alone.

My blog is about the sounds of laughter, not the sounds of agonizing defeat or frustration. I love to see people happy and not be the source of negativity. Well, I guess the ol saying about wishes and horses and all that may have truth to it after all. We don't always get what we want. And nothing of importance ever comes easy. Communication is one of the hardest things to learn how to do and boy do I have a long way to go in this area. So, when all else fails and u still haven't figured things out OR until you do, get up and clean something to stay busy while keeping a straight face. Yep, seriously NEVER works for me, LOL!!!

And that's not to say that it doesn't get talked about. Eventually and after a spotless house my brain calms down enough to think straight so I can relay what I meant to say earlier but for whatever reason, couldn't. A good question I ask myself often is why do we get like that with certain people. I can sit and talk to a tree stump for so long I'd make the damn thing dig it's self out and run. Why can't I have a 30 minute conversation about myself to some one. Like I've told others before, I do not like to add to peoples problems or have them add yet one more thing to worry about. But, that's life, isn't it? Dealing? We spend our whole lives doing it. I sure am going to be glad when the ol age kicks up a notch and I get me some of that there knowledge everyone keeps talking about, lol!


Donna said…
I know how to talk...;o)
Sally said…
I think you have a lot more knowledge than you give yourself credit for. And, certainly more than a lot of people. :)
Dawn said…
I know how to talk, too !! My problem is, is when I type.. my poor brain thinks so fast.. that I can't type that fast!! lol

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