Another Weekend Wrap Up

It's been a busy past few days. I haven't blogged since last Wednesday I think? Thursday and Friday mom and dad went out of town for business so that left Ken and I manning the shop and also sending one of our guys to the hospital. He ended up being OK with doctors still running tests to find out everything they can but they think they have it narrowed down to possibly him having diabetes.

Friday, I worked as well and afterwards went to the track while hubby worked out there getting it prepped for Sundays racing. With a LOT of elbow grease, advertising where ever he could think of and adding in a little cash pot for one of the races it turned out to be the best turn out I've seen out there in a number of years. Tim spent all last week on the phone, computer and going to see people and getting them to come out whether it be to compete as a racer or vendors selling their product or profession or just coming out to watch. Friday night he didn't come home until 10:30ish and Saturday had him rising before and out the door at 6AM and not returning until well after dark. Of coarse, I took him lunch and came back home to have the house clean, smelling fresh and ready for him to walk in after all that. A man that busts his ass, to me, is more relaxed walking into a clean home rather than walking into a mess. I don't know, I know when I walk in and something is messy I'm growling mentally so I didn't want him in that frame of mind after the weekend of all that manual labor.

Sunday was quite a success and it was the longest spent out at the local races I've ever spent out there in the 4 years we've been going. One of the people that is on the board of the track said that the track made enough in that one day than we did in 2 or 3 months of races. So, hubby and the President of the club that was right along with him, did a wonderful job.

But...did hard working hubby let me know that on my way out the door this afternoon for lunch, that I brought to him, at home, in bed, that I had black olive stuck in my front teeth?! Hell no, he did not. Did Sam as I walked in to tell her goodbye, seeing as how she was out of school for the MLK holiday. Did William, while I stuck my head into his room, SMILING AT HIM and saying bye and did PEPE, when I filled his dried up water bowl before leaving the house? Only to get back to work and smile, LUCKILY, at Ken with him smiling LETTING ME KNOW that I had food stuck in my teeth.

It's a damn conspiracy, I do believe, at my house. Why? Tim wants his present that I was waiting for Valentines Day to give him, Sam had to work so why should I get off the hook, Will didn't want to take a shower and the dang dog didn't get any of our lunch so it was all payback in my book...

Either that or they just didn't notice;)


Donna said…
Hahahahaaaa....Oh, I think they ALL noticed and just let you keep on walking!Hahaaaa....
I have to stick up for Pepe though...he can't talk...
Jenny said…
Girl I'd be killing somebody but I'm not sure who I'd start with. For one thing, come Valentine's Day if I were you I'd "forget" where I put Tim's prezzie and make him sweat it out!! HAHAHA but I know you won't. Happy week to you anyway! Brush and floss often.
Sally said…
Get em back somehow!

This post, of course, brings back a lot of memories at the track. Good memories. :)
Dawn said…
I just busted a gut laughing out loud. That happened to me once with food in my teeth !!

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