No More Dogs

So...after yesterday and taking care of the little pup that could, twice, every hour, and then some, and did...NO MORE DOGS! I have to say when 3PM came around and it was time for me to call it a day at work I was gleefully shoving the poor pup in his carrier and taking him out to our warehouse where our coworker was going to pick him up at.

I love animals. Just like I love babies. But seeing as how I haven't had a baby in almost 13 years and a pup in about the same, I am NOT use to taking care of the wee ones needs and remembering how time consuming it all is/was. WOW. Mom even helped out too, taking the pup outside a few times and as the day drug on we were taking him out at least twice Every. Single. Hour.

He would make it to the outside door and pee once before climbing down the steps, then halfway across the parking lot he'd squat again and then finally to the grassy area he would pee once or twice more and then poop enough for three big dogs. Unbelievable. I would only give him like half a handful of food through out the day and mom and I were very careful not to give him too much water. Just enough every so often and I'm glad we did it that way. If we would have just set out a bowl of food and water we, or at least I, would be parking my desk and computer in the back 90 all day just so he wouldn't mess in the office.

And curious...I had forgotten, or maybe I didn't, how curious wee ones can be. Animal pup or human baby. There IS no difference. Shutting doors, pulling up phone cords, tucking in loose wires, pushing papers out of the way, tucking in loose coat arms that are dangling off chairs, tucking in trash bags so teeth could not rip or tug, emptying food cartons or drink cups so not to be reached. Puppy proof/ Baby proof, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?!

Other than the pup can walk at a much younger age than a baby, these two are a lot a like. See list below:

1: The bathroom business. Also the messiest part. They both have accidents until you potty train them and at first they are just accidents but over time it CAN be intentional, say if they don't get their way, having a bad day or you wouldn't give them something that they wanted.

2:Everything they come across goes into their mouths. And it's always the stuff you don' want them to but forgot to hide or pick up and they WILL find that first, make no mistake. Then they both move onto body parts. Whether it be tails and paws or fingers and toes, if it'll fit and even if it doesn't, it's going in. UNTIL.....Please see number 3.

3: They get bored. Yes, number three is that they BOTH have very short attention spans. After trying to gnaw off a tail or toe they want more of a challenge so why not radar in on the things that we CRINGE about when we see happen. The wee ones getting into the trash. Always a lot of good, fun things in there to play with/tear up and if it is to be found and done, they will both do it and have the look of complete accomplished satisfaction on their cherub faces. Get them both an expensive toy and the trash or empty box will come out the champion every time too. I kid you not. Experience, and I have lots of it.

4: Energy. Do I really have to explain this one in detail to any of you mom's/pup owners?? If there are a few that have neither I'll say it like this...In the energy department they could give you a run for your money and then run circles around your refund. Energy, they both have it while we lost it 5 minutes into it. The end.

5: Sleep. They play hard, think hard, sleep hard. BUT, if not TRAINED hard they will wake up at the drop of a dime and spend more endless hours, playing, pooping, finding, destroying and anything else that comes to mind. You move just an inch to the left and they both pop up like a toy Jack in the Box. But, start them from day one with hearing loud noises and the like and you may have bought yourself an extra 10 minutes to run to the bathroom, shove a piece of bread down your throat and chase it down with what ever liquid you have on hand as not to choke. Then make it back in time to see BOTH wide awake and more than likely, right in the middle of making mommy a nice poopy. Whether it be inside the diaper (because they DO make them for animals now) or outside of it...And the vicious cycle begins anew;)

So I can wrap this up without you passing out I'll add one more to the list...

6: Noises. They laugh, cry, whine, whimper, bark, gurgle, howl and shriek. It's all noises they make and it can be from barely a whisper to a maddening scream, both baby and pup. Testing their boundaries, testing their vocal cords, getting your attention or just having fun in their own little worlds.

To end this I'll just say this...I am GLAD I don't have both baby and pup. Where one pulls out things and the other or BOTH eat them up. Double the cuteness but sheesh

And then when Sam comes walking into the house stating she wants another dog scream NO MORE DOGS!!!! ;))


Sally said…
But, he was SO cute, Crystal. :)

I've still kind of got my house baby proofed at least with plugs in the electrical outlets from when Hunter was a baby. It's going to interesting to see what Rylan does once she's crawling.
Dawn said…
Yeah, he was cute !!! We have been so lucky with our rescue. He will have been with us two years. But, they are work !! He will be 8 in October. I have never had a puppy or a baby !! LOL
Donna said…
Nope...don't wan't no more poopers...:o)

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