So far, so good
Yep, that's right. So far, so good on the waking up every morning with looking at life a little bit different and making every day count. I may not say too much and might grunt or answer in one or less words but the whole time I am reprogramming my attitude so if and when I run into family or others it's with a much better attitude.
And it even worked yesterday when Tim stayed home to help me paint the hallway. Even though he was rushing to get it done so it would be one less thing to worry about I knew that he was doing it because I wanted it done and that he wanted to do something for me in some small way and that there was complete love behind his intentions. That's why when he kept asking if I was ready to kick him out now so I could finish and he could get out of my way I just smiled and inwardly laughed out loud and told him no, he was helping and that was OK. He actually was stopping what he was doing which was getting William and taking him to the track so he could shoot his new pellet gun and or bow that he got for Christmas and to ride a little bit. I think Will wanted to shoot the gun more than the bow, lol!
So, Tim stopped what he was doing to help and the kids helped a little too. Will and I did the grunt work which was me sitting in the recliner watching while Sam and Tim painted with a roller and Will got a small brush and did the base boards which Tim had to redo as Will loaded up with paint and it was spilling onto the floor. After Tim showed him what to do he did it perfectly while Tim taped all the corners and painted. Sam got tired early on. (Weeny) So she handed her roller to me and we got it done in no time. It took two coats but looks pretty good to me. We painted the hall a chocolate color and I think after all the decorations are up it will look wonderful and homey!
So, after that, Tim and Will left and Sam went to work with me touching up things and doing an OK job. This is the first time that I've done this but I think it's very fun to do and a great stress/boredom reliever.
The hallway before. I found this in my folder up at work. I didn't take any before pics so here's this one!
And this is the "during" phase! I'll upload an after one this week!
This is the before pic of our living room when we had carpet. I'll take a "during" pic when I get home and then after we paint i'll take the after pic of it and post as well.
Again, I forgot to take before pics but did have this one of our bathroom after the tile was layed.
This is a pic of out bathroom after.
These three pics are the after one of the kids bathroom. White walls and nothing as far as decorations.
And what, pray tell, is Pepe doing while all of this is going on?? LOL, HIDING!!!!
And it even worked yesterday when Tim stayed home to help me paint the hallway. Even though he was rushing to get it done so it would be one less thing to worry about I knew that he was doing it because I wanted it done and that he wanted to do something for me in some small way and that there was complete love behind his intentions. That's why when he kept asking if I was ready to kick him out now so I could finish and he could get out of my way I just smiled and inwardly laughed out loud and told him no, he was helping and that was OK. He actually was stopping what he was doing which was getting William and taking him to the track so he could shoot his new pellet gun and or bow that he got for Christmas and to ride a little bit. I think Will wanted to shoot the gun more than the bow, lol!
So, Tim stopped what he was doing to help and the kids helped a little too. Will and I did the grunt work which was me sitting in the recliner watching while Sam and Tim painted with a roller and Will got a small brush and did the base boards which Tim had to redo as Will loaded up with paint and it was spilling onto the floor. After Tim showed him what to do he did it perfectly while Tim taped all the corners and painted. Sam got tired early on. (Weeny) So she handed her roller to me and we got it done in no time. It took two coats but looks pretty good to me. We painted the hall a chocolate color and I think after all the decorations are up it will look wonderful and homey!
So, after that, Tim and Will left and Sam went to work with me touching up things and doing an OK job. This is the first time that I've done this but I think it's very fun to do and a great stress/boredom reliever.
The hallway before. I found this in my folder up at work. I didn't take any before pics so here's this one!
And this is the "during" phase! I'll upload an after one this week!
This is the before pic of our living room when we had carpet. I'll take a "during" pic when I get home and then after we paint i'll take the after pic of it and post as well.
Again, I forgot to take before pics but did have this one of our bathroom after the tile was layed.
This is a pic of out bathroom after.
These three pics are the after one of the kids bathroom. White walls and nothing as far as decorations.
And what, pray tell, is Pepe doing while all of this is going on?? LOL, HIDING!!!!