Some days you just have to roll with it...

And that's just the truth most days too. I just got off the phone with a customer. We had gone out over four months ago and did a small plumbing job. She starts out very nice saying that she realises that we warranty our work for the first 30 days and then goes on to tell me what the problem was. We repaired a leak under the sink. Easy fix. Which she even states multiple times. As the conversation progresses and once I tell her that we ARE willing to warranty the work for up to 30 days, four months is a little excessive and we can't warranty it. Then things start to get a little bit heated....

There are people out there in the world that will try to work with you, understand things after I state certain things (like we can't really warranty our work past the 30 days and the reasons why.) the ones that try harder and politely push you in the direction they want you to go, try to get you to feel sorry for them, start crying and then it goes down hill from there with the ones that get testy, mouthy, rude, loud, belligerent and down right hateful. Well, you could tell that this lady fell in the category of the latter. She was a Meany.

After I tell her for the third time that we can't warranty something small like that done 4 months ago she starts belittling. As in, "Well, it's a completly SIMPLE job. That even I could do." And then, "Please, is your company compitant enough to handle small and simple jobs like this? Apparently not." As she says things like this I just sit back and let her. I know how frustrating things like this can be. I get that shes already paid for something and now months later something else is broken. BUT, I also know that under all my sinks I have things under them in the cabinets. Cleaning supplies, spray cans, boxes and other things. Things get pushed, shoved and banged up. Piping as well. And I also realise that if the piping is old and only a repair is made to the old piping instead of replacing it all where it is more sturdy, that things of this nature can and will happen.

I tell the customer this same thing. And then as politely as I can STILL I tell her that we will not be able to warranty the work. Her reply? Bite me you fu-cking Bitch...(sorry for the strong language. That's her exact words) As soon as the last word came out of her mouth I knew that this was a woman we didn't need to have as a customer. When I even tell the lady that I understand her frustration and that I am the bulls eye for it she doesn't listen nor care. In the end all I could do to keep myself from really letting this lady have it was to chuckle and hang up. She was still going at it but as the boss says, "You don't have to put up with that out of anyone." So I didn't. And, for me, I think I handled it pretty well. I guess I'm like my dear ol dad and can be quick to temper and in years passed I have been reprimanded by him that I can't nail the customer for getting rude. (Even though there has been a time or two that he's done it but I guess that's the perk for being the boss.)

After I hung up Ken and I laughed about it shaking our heads. In the past we have warrantied work up to a full year. Small daily used things it's harder to do that kind of stuff or we would always be working for free. Think of it like this. It's easier to warranty something if it's new. A new commode, a new water line and new faucet, yada, yada, yada. It's much more difficult to warranty old things that you just want fixed until you can replace it all at a later date or whatever the excuse is. Repairs are just that, temporary fixes that we DO warranty for up to 30 days. Sheesh.

On a better note my blood pressure didn't rise. To me, that's telling me right there that I handled Ms. Meany pretty well. Oh well. Karma paying her a visit and someone else being mean to her hopefully will cure her of that. It's never a good thing when you treat others like sh*t because you didn't get what you wanted. It always comes back to bite you in the butt.

So, it's raining here. Heavy storms all through the night and this morning leaving everything just wet, cool and yucky. Not complaining though because we needed it but this is SURE nice stay at home in your Jammie's weather. I bummed out in one of Tim's pull over hoodies, baggy pants and flip flops. Hey, I'm comfortable, dry and in a good mood even when others aren't. In my book, today is a good day;)


Sally said…
Oh, Lord, I about fell outta my chair when I read what she said. How awful and demeaning. I know how hard it is to deal with customers especially after I retired and worked a few years as a cashier. 99 percent of people just as nice as they can be, however that one percent is NASTY. There were times I wanted to flat out smack em. :)

You did good, and at least you and Ken got a good laugh. I really want a job where I can wear flip flops. LOL
Donna said…
That's my Girl!!! You KNOW what I would have done and maybe hubby would have pink-slipped me!!Hahaaaa

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