Chocolate covered (Heaven) Oreo Balls

And wouldn't you know that I DIDN'T get the first pic of all the ingredients needed....Figures as much too. SO, I will tell you. I package of Oreo's. The package that has 3 rows. 1 box of 8oz cream cheese and 1 package of bakers chocolate. That's it!
First thing to do...SMASH the cookies! Lol! Now, the easiest way to achieve this is by blending them in a chopper or AKA: Food Processor. Just chop up them bad boys until it all looks like dirt.
Dirt OR coffee grounds, lol! This above pic is what it looks like after blending the cookie AND the white filing together.
Finished product after blending the whole package. After this you want to get your cream cheese, empty it in a bowl and melt it a little bit in the microwave. I do mine until it is pretty warm because it is a lot more manageable when mixing. Then after you have melted it the way you need it, mix up or more likely, fold into the cookie crumb mixture. After you fold it all in and mix it all up THEN and here is the trick, put it in the freezer for about 30 to 45 minutes to harden up. If not it'll be on the sticky side and won't really form into the balls you need them to be.
While ur cookie/cream cheese is freezing for a few, get ur bakers chocolate and stick that into the microwave. I just got the store brand kind and ended up putting 6 blocks into a glass bowl and following the heating instructions on the package which was a minute and a half, take out, stir, put back in and nuke for another 30 seconds. At that time it should be more than warm and melted the way you need.
Then, just do as you see above. Drop as many as you can and roll them around enough to cover. I used tongs (Sp) to take mine out with. Use what you like.
Put them on a sheet of wax paper for about 5 minutes and you're done! Just make sure you put them all in a container and put in the fridge to cool and harden the chocolate a little more. Won't harden the cookie part at all so no worries. If you have ever had a cake pop then you are in for a real treat for sure! ENJOY!!! I ended up making not one but TWO batches of these over the weekend. They were a HIT!!
Oh, and one more thing...You can make these as big or as small as you would like. Need a lot of them? Make the balls small. Feeding just ur family? Make them bigger and one will go a LOOOONG way to hitting the spot.  You can also play around with the recipe. Use the mint oreo's and add peppermint bits for the Christmas Holiday. Add crushed nuts or maybe even get a dropper and "inject" it with peanut butter "filling." Just whatever and have fun!


jenn said…
Drooling!!!!! And in five and a half months, I am making me some of those! lol!
Jenny said…
I cannot resist Oreos. Seriously. This looks even more dangerous.
~Shelly~ said…
OMG so tempting!! How do u stay so tiny?! Yum Yum Yummmmm!
Sally said…
Girl! You're on a roll, and everything you make is yummy!

I can't believe all the cooking you did last night. :)

So, Ty is getting married, or did I read that wrong? Well, I hope someone is, else I'd be heading to your house to eat!!


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