Ham Bowls!

EASY! Follow the pictures! Preheat oven to 350 and cook bowls for 30 minutes. Add anything you like!
You can use real eggs and scramble them or the pre-made scramble egg that you pour. I had this from the Apple pie cookies so waste not, want not..Put one slice of ham in each muffin circle that you want and pour in the scrambled egg. IF you do use real eggs, 1 egg per muffin circle should work.
Next I chopped up some onion (not seen) and bacon.
Sam got scrambled egg with bacon, Tim got egg, bacon, onion and a Lil shredded cheese. Pop it in the oven, 350, 30 minutes.
They pop right out and fill out as they cook. More into the bowl you see now then in the earlier pic.
The above pic is Tim's. I added some of that FABULOUS Queso I made and added a few spoonfuls to his ham bowl. I thought he was going to moan right off the couch after he began eating this. Me, I did a happy dance all the way back into the kitchen. ENJOY!!


Jenny said…
VERY clever! Moans from the husband are always a good sign! LOLOL

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