Poor Mans Stroganoff

So, Here's what all I used for this lil number. Season all season salt to flavor the ground turkey meat I forgot to take a picture of, lol! Woops, my bad. So FYI, I used a pound of ground turkey;) You can use any seasoning salt you want. OR, not at all. I was experimenting and wanted to give the dish an added flavor. It worked too.
I LOVELOVELOVE my kitchenAid chopper. THANK YOU MOM!! I pull this little thing out when i'm trying to pull a fast one over on the kids since they loath anything good for them. Fine chooped and they don't even taste it! I added onion but again, you can add what you like. Onion, Bell Pepper, Mushrooms..whatever.
Set aside one 8oz can of Cream of Mushroom. You will fold this in after your turkey meat is cooked.
See the seasoning salt? I just sprinkled it through out. No set amount. Threw in the onions to cook along with the meat.
With the meat cooked I folded the Cream of Mushroom into the onion and meat and there ya go! All that is left is to boil your noodles. For this dish I used Spaghetti noodles but you can use ANY kind of noodle you want!
Annnnd, the end result. This dish reminds me of Stroganoff but with spaghetti. Again, another winner and everyone LOVED IT!!


Sally said…
Wow, another good one. I'm so glad you're doing this, Crystal because I'm always trying to come up with ideas; especially when I know some of the kids are going to be here. I've never tried ground turkey; don't ask me why!

Mom used to make stroganoff but used mashed potates.

Dawn said…
This is what I am making for dinner in our house tonight. Sounds delicious. :)

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